What intercontract? First a little background on the operation of BP: The benefits are on a mission to the company "Green Tech Powered Oil", its mission ends on a Friday at Dunkirk, and Monday, here it is left in Quimper at "Fat Porky Green Industry" for another mission. This is the best situation for BP, because there is no waiting period at the benefits. But it may happen that the foresight of commercial fault, or that it forgets the benefits stupidly (yes, yes, it happens because maintaining regular contact with a phone call every three months, the mall is not immune to a mistake). In this case, therefore, no mission is planned in the near future in a row at the end of mission at Green Tech Powered Oil "and the benefits can be found in intercontrat.
The benefits vegetate ... |
That said, this time costing candy BP, and it strives to resettle as quickly as possible small benefits, the risk of placing it on a mission for which it is not qualified, for which he has no motivation, and in the middle of nowhere. Last accuracy, when the period begins intercontrat, BP RTT raises all employers of the employee in order to minimize the overhead caused by the misfortune of intercontract. To better understand this story, I refer you to the "Entourloupe in intercontrat.
Now then, let's not forget that the benefits has signed a double taxation agreement with BP. CDI is always accompanied by a trial period [1] [3] (with exceptions). This trial period lasted 4 months but may be renewed, has become the norm for BP. So, if the benefits are on probation and he finds himself in no mission without intercontrat looming, the die is cast. Chao, Bambino! When BP proposed a first task whose duration is less than the duration of the test period together with its extension, it is in the interest of the benefits of continuing to seek employment elsewhere upon hiring. Or otherwise it may end up pointing at the ANPE (sorry, employment center) upon completion of his mission.
Something to remember is that the inter-contract, the benefits do not owe the BP (as opposed to all that can tell the salesperson to create a sense of guilt in benefits). Indeed, intercontrat is usually repaid by itself and in advance, thanks to the wonderful difference between the salary that the key benefits and the price at which it is sold to the SE by the BOP. A small example with a ladle, with conservative assumptions, but based on true events:
Margin |
Petit benefits sold 350 € per day, or about 7000 € per months (20 days), key € 1700 net. BP, like all businesses, pay in payroll taxes amounting to slightly less than double the net, or € 3300. The BP also provides small benefits to € 200 as reimbursement of expenses, which are not taxed. A net cost of 3500 € for BP. The margin is 50%.
Each month, BP: 3,500 € button thanks to the small benefits, which amount used to pay the commercial, executive assistants, directors, and premises which are all beautiful little world. And what remains grave in a small piggy bank to meet the need of the benefits which the trade has not found a mission. Therefore, a benefits should never be a feeling of guilt over a period of intercontrat important, contrary to what the system tries to insinuate vigorously BP. It also has no control over the fact that sends a new mission, just as it has no visibility on the tenders received his commercial. Okay, this is not his job, but one can then question the legitimacy of the national sport: To write the benefits in intercontrat responses to tenders instead of commercial ...
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